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2024 Traditional CSA | Boxed Weekly Shares 

Our Community-Supported-Agriculture program highlights the most bountiful weeks of our growing season, 10 weeks from July - Sept with Saturday pickup, after 12pm.


For the full 10-week length of our program, shares will have a mix of our farm-grown staple products (corn, tomatoes, peppers, greens, squash, beans, beets, onion, potatoes, etc.) mixed with seasonal appropriate crops (apples, peaches, berries.) Our goal is to make sure you get a great variety of the vegetables and fruits you love with some new and exciting crops you can try.  Our members choose the size of their share half(1-4 people) or full(4+ people)


Our members are an irreplaceable portion of our farm as they commit to a season of support, and provide us with income in the beginning of the growing season when we need it most. 

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

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